Tuesday, January 19, 2010


A while back I had been uploading the vast majority of my "good" photography to deviantArt. The problem I had been having was that I would upload a photo, and people would only take a gander at it during the 5 minutes or so it would appear on the "just uploaded" page. Then it would disappear into the abyss and no one would ever find it again. I backed off of uploading my work for a while, if for no other reason than it seemed inconsequential.

For some reason, this weekend marked a change for me. I don't really know what caused it, but something clicked in my head and I got this tremendous urge to work on uploading my photos again. I caught up to the point that I had intended to in the first place, and on deviantArt's navbar I discovered a wonderful little button called "Groups."

I hadn't honestly paid too much attention before, but one of the groups therein is called GetWatchers. I give them the link to one of my pieces of artwork, and they start to show me the artwork of all the other hundreds of people who have sent them links as well. For each of these pieces that I look at, they show my art to someone else. Meaning that if I look at the art of 200 people, I get 200 views in return.

The result has been a raging success! I've attracted more viewers to my deviantArt site than ever before, and I would highly recommend any fellow deviants out there to showcase any of your work that hasn't met with the light of day for a while. In the meantime, here are a couple of my photos for those of you who aren't familiar with my work.

And of course, the main link to my deviantArt page is here. I'm all lonely there, so friend me if you feel moved!

Powerlines at Sunset 4 by *sameyer716 on deviantART

Marsh Beneath Golden Sky 1 by *sameyer716 on deviantART

Fiery Sunset 2 by *sameyer716 on deviantART

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