Friday, January 15, 2010

Poison Girl

She’s really starting to become a liability.

I don't know where we had our falling out, but I don't like it. I miss talking to you. I miss hanging out. It's so much harder for me when I have no clue what happened. Please talk to me Scott. Write me back. Let me know what I did so I can fix this cause my heart is very sad that we don't talk anymore :(

It’s come down to that I suppose. About a year ago, when I was single, I went out a couple times with a woman named Crystal that I went to high school with. She was the type of girl who terrifies my mother, riddled with facial piercings and obnoxious body tattoos, with the kind of emotional fangs that run venom straight to your heart. Simply put, she strung me along for almost two months, and when the dust had settled, all she had done is use me as a foil to get her physically abusive ex-fiancé to propose to her a third time.

So naturally I moved on. I’d like to believe the world is simple enough to let bygones be bygones and walk away without incident. Believe me. Things were quiet for a while. Since then, I’ve met the love of my life, Lia. Our relationship glistens like a jewel in a sea of stones. The eight months we’ve spent together has been healthy and strong and there is no doubt in my mind that she is the one.

Realizing her foolishness, Crystal soon broke up with her ex-fiancé (again.) And so, she’s picked from her mind a bouquet of messages that make me physically shake with anger. She lets me know that she’s dreaming about me, that she still wants to hang out, and assorted other snippets, prodding me to take notice of the fact that she made a mistake not choosing me. Most come across as though she’s pretending that we DO have a relationship; some rampant charade that apparently dwells within her subconscious.

I’ve done my best to cast it aside up until this message today. Allow her some sort of dignity of quitting on her own, dredged from my silence. Hopefully realizing how she used me and why I want no part of her drama any longer.

I hope my bite stings even worse.

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